Eleven years ago you were born in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and you made me a grandma!
Let's go back to 8 months before that. I was out doing my annual day after Xmas shopping and came home to a message from your mom to call her. When I did, she gave me the big news that she was pregnant. I was jumping all around the kitchen as I was so excited and thrilled! She'd bought an at home pregnancy kit and it showed that she was. Back I went to Lord & Taylor the next night after work and bought two gingham Xmas stockings - one in pink and one in blue. Now the wait began.
I started unisex baby shopping immediately but had to wait another 4 months to get her call at work telling me, "It's a GIRL?" I think the whole dept. heard my screams of joy! I had been hoping, hoping, hoping for a granddaughter. Now the baby girl shopping and knitting began.
When I next saw your mother, it was about 2 months before you were born. I picked her up at the train from NYC and my eyes bulged out as she was BIG! Last time I'd seen her, she was a size 5.
We had a fun summer talking about the baby and the baby shower I gave her in one of the historic buildings at Miss Porter's School and soon it came to an end. The night before the shower your father had to take her to the emergency room with pains. Of course her being in a limbo contest while teaching ALPS at Dartmouth a few weeks earlier did not help. I told her I was having the shower with or without her as I'd paid the rental for the building and spent over $300 at the grocery store for food and had done lots of cooking. Fortunately it was a false call and they returned from the ER (after the doctor gave her a lecture about doing the limbo in her late state of pregnancy).
She flew back to Michigan the day after the shower and it was the last day she could fly according to the doctor.
I was getting nervous the last month and called her daily. Bet that doesn't surprise you. When you were born, it was so exciting and I couldn't wait to see pictures. Mom and Dad emailed them to me. You were a gorgeous baby with blond hair, blue eyes and perfect skin (and all the necessary parts). You came home in a white smocked dress I'd bought for you. See, I started with those smocked dresses from Day One. You also wore a baby blue fancy sweater that I had knit when I was pregnant with her.
Originally I was suppose to fly out a few days after your birth but I was sick all week and home from work with a sinus infection and bronchitis. I delayed my flight a week. I thought your father would come for me at the airport and what a surprise to also see your mom there pushing you in the stroller. I just looked at you in the airport and car as I didn't want to touch you until I washed and changed my clothes from the trip.
My stay was full of holding you, rocking you, taking you for walks, doing laundry (lots of it), cooking, etc. I hated to say goodbye to you but the trip came to an end.
I've loved every stage you've grown through and am so proud to be your grandma. You are a bright, lovely, talented girl and I can't wait to see what the future holds for you.
license plate blues
4 months ago