Yes, we are getting another storm and it's a two parter again. First we are getting 3 - 6 inches of snow and then it'll turn to sleet, freezing rain and then rain into the second day.
Guess I'll be WFH again with my laptop.
I bet the moms and dads home with the kids will be pulling their hair out.
But, we're getting more snow on the weekend too.
Sure hope my roof doesn't cave in or leak and that the gutters don't either.
This is a winter for the record books here in CT.
Everyone get out tomorrow to buy the necessities - bread, milk and chocolate.
license plate blues
4 months ago
I was driving home last night and heard the funniest report - "The US Weather Service reports that parts of the US will be hit by an intense winte snowstorm..." and the never said WHAT part of the United States! I thought that was so funny. Well, now I know. And I'm hoping it isn't big enough to reach us. I don't want to look out of the window!