Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday to my daughter! I stayed up so that I could call her just after midnight to be the first to wish her a happy birthday before she headed off to school this morning.

As I say to myself each year on her birthday, "I sure feel better today than I did ** years ago!" Dread the year that I felt better in labor than in the current year!

Have a great day Tami! Love you lots!


  1. Now that I have children, I think the mother should get presents on the child's birthday!

  2. That's funny! Point well taken.

  3. Happy Birthday!
    In Russian tradition the mother is always congratulated on her children birthdays. And my daughter thought it was weird until she had her own children.

  4. As my mom would say, 'Happy Labor Day' to you! XOL


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