Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It gets worse

Rushed home and no cable company showed up last night. I called the cable company twice and the service despatch dept. was suppose to call me back. Nothing. I called this morning ranting and demanding someone be there tonight or they could take their whole package and shove it and that I would switch to AT&T. Let's see if they call me back this AM at work with a time for a serviceman to show up tonight. Still no phone, Internet or TV. Tomorrow it'll be a week without them. I am LIVID!

Monday, July 26, 2010

No Internet

I had such good intentions of blogging last week but CT was hit with a major storm last Wednesday afternoon and I lost power. When it came on the next day, I found out that I didn't have power in 3 of my rooms and of course one was where my modem is. The electrician was out the following day and replaced one of the circuits. When I called the cable company back, I found out it couldn't be fixed over the phone and a repairman is coming tonight after I am home from work. I've had no phone, Internet or TV.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Preview of our weekend

Today we are going to a college friend of Tami's for their annual Bastille Day Party and tomorrow we are at the CT shore (where we used to have a beach cottage) to visit friends for the day.

Everyone flies off on Monday so I'll blog next week about the past three weeks. They've been busy.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


We've been so busy since the girls arrived that I haven't had time to blog. While they are in another state visiting their other grandparents the next two weeks, I'll fill you in on what we've been doing.