Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It gets worse

Rushed home and no cable company showed up last night. I called the cable company twice and the service despatch dept. was suppose to call me back. Nothing. I called this morning ranting and demanding someone be there tonight or they could take their whole package and shove it and that I would switch to AT&T. Let's see if they call me back this AM at work with a time for a serviceman to show up tonight. Still no phone, Internet or TV. Tomorrow it'll be a week without them. I am LIVID!


  1. UGH! I certainly hope they show up today.

  2. That is terrible.
    We had our power line in front of our house on fire Saturday night. They fixed it by the middle of the night. Lucky us

  3. Good luck! Hard to understand such poor customer service.

    We are here with construction on the city sewer system a few houses away. All day the house was shaking, literally. And the water began to sputter and spit. Something is clearly wrong with it. No water, then a huge spray with lots of shaking and noise and splatter. And the toilet!!! Let's just say, it's a good thing I don't have someone potty training, or that would have been put back by a couple of years! Even I thought I had done something catastrophic! The toilet sounded like it was exploding! And the water rushed into it so hard it splashed out the top! Alarming, to say the least.

  4. There is one of those Janet Evanovich books where she (the main character, Stephanie) is trying to bring some guy in for skipping his bail and he won't leave the house because he is waiting for the Cable Guy. They have to get other characters to take shifts. AND whenever anyone mentions the cable company during the book EVERYONE, and that includes Stephanie's grandmother, always mutters, "Those f***ers!"


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